Achieve Clarity and Confidence
in your Business Concept

Do you have a great business idea and need a way to start defining your Who and your Value Proposition?

Access your free Research Your Idea Toolkit here
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For anyone who’s ever wanted to take the leap into starting a small business but feels overwhelmed by the vast amount of information out there and are unsure of the next step, our starting point is the Research Your Idea toolkit.

Two of the fundamental parts of any business is knowing who is your customer and what they need to get done?

By understanding your customer you can develop better products and services. Your customers will be spending their hard-earned money with you, so you want to identify your ideal buyer and understand where they spend their time and money.

You have to really understand just who your customer is and what they are wanting to get done. That’s where this tooklit comes in …

Shortcut the path to success through clarity …

You’re probably thinking, ‘I know what I want to sell’ BUT what if we said that a bit of time invested now could give you a bigger chance of launching a successful business. You’re wanting to start a business for a better long-term future, so why not take a little bit of time now to really think through WHO your target customer is and WHAT it is that you want to sell them. This is about how to:

Turn your business dreams into an achieveable goal. Use a structured process to bring total clarity to how your new business will create value for your customers with your products and services.
Launch your business with confidence and clarity. Use our step by step, fill in the blanks worksheets to simplify how you communicate what you want to do.
Simplify the research and design process of your products and services. Access to resources and tools that will really cut through the noisy information and allow you to focus in on what’s important.

The Research Your Idea toolkit contains the worksheets that we think will easily help you narrow down your focus and really build products and services that customers and clients want.

You need this if …

  • You’re overwhelmed by the idea of starting a business from scratch
  • There’s uncertainty about the market demand for your business idea, products and/or services
  • Struggling to map out a clear plan for your business products and services

What sets a successful business who is starting out apart from the noise in the market is the consideration that they’ve given to being really clear about the market they’re wanting to serve. You cannot be all things to all people, so you need to define your niche. You want to have the confidence to know that you’re target market will respond to your value proposition – so all of the benefits that your client or customer will get from doing business with you.

If you’re serious about building products and services that clients want AND being able to explain clearly what you’re doing then Download this Toolkit Now